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জননিরাপত্তা বিভাগ স্বরাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রণালয়
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ক্রম বিষয়বস্তু প্রকাশের তারিখ ডাউনলোড
To convey the sanction of the following official to participate in the Meeting titled " Regional Meeting of Maritime Law Enforcement Experts " that will be held in Sri Lanka from 13 March, 2024 to 15 March, 2024(G. O. No: 82, Date: 09.03.2024) ১১-০৩-২০২৪
getContent - 2024-03-11T102128.709.pdf
The Government approval to attend in a Training on 'Dhaka Road Traffic Safety' to be held in Japan. (G. O. No: 67, Date: 06.03.2024) ১০-০৩-২০২৪
Nanavati Max Super Speciality Hospital, Mumbai, India এবং DXI Imaging Centre, Fuji Film, Singapore এ MRI MACHINE এর উপর বৈদেশিক প্রশিক্ষণ গ্রহণের জন্য সরকারি আদেশ। (প্রজ্ঞাপন নং-২৭, তারিখ-২৯/২/২০২৪) ০৩-০৩-২০২৪
To convey the Government's approval for the following officials to participate in the Security and Policing Exhibition that will be held in UK from 12-14 March, 2024.(G.O: No:-69, Date: 29.02.2024) ০১-০৩-২০২৪
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To convey the sanction of the following official to participate in the workshop titled "Workshop on Preventing Illicit Transfers of Chemicals" that will be held in Hague, Netherlands . (G.O. No: 62, Date: 22.02.2024) ২৫-০২-২০২৪
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The sanction to participate in the training Course titled "Maritime Law And Ops Course (Phase-II)" that will be held in Kochi, India. (G. O. No: 55, Date: 15.02.2024) ১৫-০২-২০২৪
Participate in "Management, Handing & Training of Dog" in the United Kingdom. (G.O No: 331, date: 06-02-2024) ০১-০২-২০২৪
The sanction of deputation for Mr. Syed Muhammad Forhad, Superintendent of police, Criminal Investigation Department, Dhaka to participate in Issue-focused Training Course on " International Criminal Investigation (202208180-J001)" that will be held in Japan. (G.O No: 82, date: 21-01-2024) ২২-০১-২০২৪
The sanction of deputation of Mr. A J S M Rashed Ul Hasan, Bp-8814166278, Additional Deputy Police Commissioner, Counter Terrorism and Transnational Unit, CTTC, DMP, Dhaka to participate in Issue-focused Training Course on " Countermeasures against Cybercrime (202208183-J001)" which will be held in Japan. (G.O. No: 47, Date: 11.1.2024) ০৮-০১-২০২৪
সরকারি আদেশ
১০ The sanction to participate in the Training titled "Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) Ops and Search and Rescue (SAR) Course" to be held in Mumbai, India. (G.O. No- 399, Date:31.12.2023) ০৮-০১-২০২৪
১১ To convey the sanction to attend in the "Core Pre-deployment Training Materials (CPTM) for UN Peacekeeping Operations", "Specialized Training Materials (STM) and Training Building (TB) Courses" to be held on 07/02/2024 - 05/03/2024 at The Centre of Excellence for Stability Police Units (CoESPU), Vicenza, Italy (NO: 09, Date:04/01/2024) ০৪-০১-২০২৪
Government Order
১২ The approval to attend in the Training for Densitometric Spectral Analysis to be held in India for 05 (Five) days. (G.O. No- 349, Date:31.12.2023) ০৩-০১-২০২৪
১৩ The approval to attend in the Training for Gas Chromatograph Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer to be held in Singapore for 05 (Five) days. (G.O. No- 348, Date:31.12.2023) ০৩-০১-২০২৪
১৪ The sanction to participate in the Training titled "Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) Ops and Search and Rescue (SAR) Course" that will be held in Mumbai, India. (G.O. No: 399, Date: 31.12.2023) ০১-০১-২০২৪
১৫ To convey the sanction to participate in the user training program of "Management, handling and training of dog" to be held in The Netherlands. (G.O. No: 44, Date: 31.12.2023) ৩১-১২-২০২৩
১৬ The Government's approval to participate in a forum titled “Regional Counter Terrorism Investigation Forum” that will be held in Semarang, Indonesia. (G.O. No: 396, Date: 28.12.2023) ২৮-১২-২০২৩
১৭ The Government's approval for training on the Surveillance by Drone under the project titled "Capacity Building of RAB Forces in Technological Aspects" to be held in United Arab Emirates(Dubai) for 06(six) days.(G.O. No: 433, Date: 30.11.2023) ০৪-১২-২০২৩
১৮ The sanction to participate in the Exercise & Workshop titled "9 NATIONAL LEVEL POLLUTION RESPONSE EXERCISE (NATPOLREX)" and "MARINE POLLUTION RESPONSE WORKSHOP " that will be held in Vadinar, Gujrat & Mumbai, India.(G.O No:-373, Date: 13.11.2023) ১৩-১১-২০২৩
১৯ To convey the sanction of the following officials to participate in the training titled "REGIONAL BOARDING OFFICER COURSE (RBOC)" that will be held in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka . (Notification No: 365, Date: 06.11.2023) ০৬-১১-২০২৩
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২০ To convey the Government's approval for the following officials to participate in a training titled “CT-Tech Project Training on INTERPOL's Facial Recognition System” that will be held in Manila, Philippines.(G.O. No: 363, Date: 02.11.2023) ০২-১১-২০২৩
getContent - 2023-11-02T232210.186.pdf

সর্বমোট তথ্য: ১২৩