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ক্রম বিষয়বস্তু প্রকাশের তারিখ ডাউনলোড
To convey the sanction of the following officials to participate in the training Course titled "IMO LEVEL I & II COURSE" that will be held in Chennai, India.(G.O. No: 359, Date: 02.11.2023) ০২-১১-২০২৩
(৮) _ অফিস ব্যবস্থাপনা.pdf
To convey the Government's approval for Mr. Mohammad Rakibul Hasan Ibne Rahman, Additional Superintendent of Police, Anti-Terrorism Unit, Bangladesh Police. to participate in Program titled “International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP)” that will be held in Washington D.C.(G.O. No: 364, Date: 02.11.2023) ০২-১১-২০২৩
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Dr. Md. Zahid Amin (Code No-1003104), Assistant Professor (Rheumatology), Central Police Hospital, Rajarbag, Dhaka has been granted to participate in 25th Asia-Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology (APLAR) Congress to be held at Thailand . (Notification No: 138, Date: 30.10.2023) ৩০-১০-২০২৩
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To convey the Government's approval for the following officials to participate in a training titled "CT-Tech Project Training on INTERPOL 's Facial Recognition System" that will be held in Manila, Philippines.(G.O.No- 354, Date:25.10.2023) ২৬-১০-২০২৩
To convey the Government's approval for the following officials to participate in a training titled "Regional Investigative and Analytical Case Meeting on Exotic Species Trafficking" that will be held in Bangkok, Thailand. (G.O.No- 352, Date:25.10.2023) ২৫-১০-২০২৩
To convey the sanction pf the following officials to participate in a training titled "Naval Surface Rescue Swimmer Course" that will be held in San Diego, California, USA . (G.O.No- 346, Date:25.10.2023) ২৫-১০-২০২৩
The sanction to participate in the training titled "Naval Aviation Rescue Swimmer Course" that will be held in Pensacola, Florida, USA. (G.O. No:- 347, Date:-23.10.2023) ২৩-১০-২০২৩
To convey the sanction of the following officials to participate in the training Course titled "Maritime Law & Ops Course (Phase-1)" that will be held in Kochi, India.(G.O. No: 342, Date: 15.10.2023) ১৬-১০-২০২৩
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The Government's approval to participate in the training titled 'Responding to Migrant Smuggling by Sea' which will be held in Bangkok, Thailand. (G.O. No: 996, Date: 11.10.2023) ১২-১০-২০২৩
১০ The Government's approval for Mr. Shorif Mostafizur Rahman, AIG (NCB), Bangladesh Police, Police Headquarters, Dhaka to participate in a training titled “Operation STORM MAKERS II” that will be held in Bangkok, Thailand. (G.O. No: 339, Date: 09.10.2023) ১০-১০-২০২৩
১১ The Government's approval to participate in a training titled “The Operation INFRA INSPIRE-II” that will be held in Singapore. (G.O. No: 340, Date: 09.10.2023) ১০-১০-২০২৩
১২ The Government's approval to participate in the Training titled 'Public Security and Anti-terrorism Training Program for Bangladesh' which will be held in Beijing, China. (G.O. No: 957, Date: 02.10.2023) ০৪-১০-২০২৩
১৩ The sanction to participate in the training Course titled "Maritime Law & Ops Course (Phase-1)" that will be held in Kochi, India. (G.O. No: 334, Date: 02.10.2023) ০৩-১০-২০২৩
১৪ The governments approval to participate in a training titled "South Asia Regional consultation on Wildlife Crime" will be held in New Delhi, India. (G.O:330, Date:27/09/2023) ০১-১০-২০২৩
১৫ The sanction of the following officials to participate in the training titled "12TH MARITIME SECURITY DESKTOP EXERCISE (MSDE)" that will be held in Sydney, Australia.(Notification No: 323, Date: 25.09.2023). ২৬-০৯-২০২৩
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১৬ The sanction of the following official to participate in the seminar titled "Enhancing Maritime Emergency Response Capabilities in the Indo-Pacific" that will be held in New Caledonia, Noumea, France. (G.O. No: 319, Date: 17.09.2023) ১৭-০৯-২০২৩
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১৭ To convey the government officials to visit the factory of Conter unmanned Aerical vichcle(CUAV) with Jammer" which will be held in Turkey.(G.O. No: 885, Date: 17.09.2023) ১৭-০৯-২০২৩
WhatsApp Image 2023-12-31 at 13.40.15.pdf
১৮ The sanction of the following official to participate in the training course titled "Enhancing Maritime Emergency Response Capabilities in the Indo-Pacific" that will be held in New Caledonia, Noumea, France . (G.O. No: 318, Date: 17.09.2023) ১৭-০৯-২০২৩
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১৯ The Government's approval to participate in a Program titled “Regional Counter Terrorism Investigation Forum” that will be held in Semarang, Indonesia.(G.O No: 309, Date: 30-08-2023) ০৩-০৯-২০২৩
২০ The sanction to attend in the "Overseas Training" Course to be held in India. (G.O No:-339, Date:29.08.2023) ২৯-০৮-২০২৩

সর্বমোট তথ্য: ১২৩